Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Twin Cakes!

I did two cakes last weekend for a set of twins birthday party. It was very short notice so I couldn't get as creative as I would have liked. They turned out very cute though. They are pretty much the same as the Sadie cake, but a little different. The mother of the twins wrote me a very nice email saying that they were delicious and there was not one piece left!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sadie's Birthday

After making my friend Jan's birthday cake, one of her friends, Lynley, ordered a 10 inch cake for her daughter's birthday. I was so happy to be able to do this one for her. She wanted bright pink and orange polka dots. I struggled over getting the fondant and buttercream dyed just the right shade of pink, but I finally got it. I think it turned out super cute. I did my first smash cake with this one so that Sadie could have her own little cake to dig in to. The polka dots are marshmallow fondant and the the rest is buttercream. Happy birthday Sadie!!

The Smash Cake

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amber's Going Away Cake

My friend Amber and her husband, Justin, are moving to Amsterdam for 2 years for an international rotation at work. We all got together to celebrate this exciting time for them and I did a very last minute cake for the party. It didn't turn out as creative as I wanted, but overall I was happy with it. By the way, that is the flag of the Netherlands. The party was super fun and there were only 2 pieces of cake left at the end! Good luck to the future ex-pats, Amber and Justin!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jan's Birthday Cake

One of my closest friends, Jan, has a birthday in October and she loves all things Halloween, especially candy corn. I decided to do a candy corn birthday cake for her. It turned out super cute!! It is yellow cake and buttercream with marshmallow fondant cover, and of course, candy corn trim.

My First Cake Order!!

Obviously this is for someone else since it is GA Tech cake (Go Dawgs!). This was my first official paid cake order from a friend at work. I was very proud of how it turned out. The football is covered in modeling chocolate with marshmallow fondant accents, including the GT which is white marshmallow fondant (MMF) but painted in gold shimmer. The bottom tier is covered in white MMF, because my friend wanted chocolate buttercream icing with yellow cake. I just couldn't have a brown cake with a football on top. :) She said that they barely had any left and that it was delish!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Natalie's Birthday Cake

This cake almost went in the trash can. After trying to get the buttercream smooth for the longest time, I decided to put it in the fridge and try again the next day. I scraped all of the buttercream off and made a new batch. The second try was so easy!